Saturday, April 16, 2011

I know I easily get bully by others that's y I dun like to create problem or even talk to people that no brain.
If I say something sure they will fight back with me & give nonsense reason
I lazy to argue with such people because I dun wan to waste my saliva & energy...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

unlucky day

Today tutor no mood because early in the morning we already make her "angry" with us.. I just wanted go inform her that we couldn't found the key so we can not enter the demo room but not tell her to stress up because we don't find the key... =.=" this is not our mistake also, we really duno where to get the key & nobody inform us that the key already change & who keep it!!!! please dun scold us like shit!!! We got the brain to think also, we know what we suppose to do... not every thing what u say we MUST follow, right???!!! this one wrong, that one wrong, this one can not, that one can not, then HOW??? when we give u suggestion then u r not agree with us, so what???!!! what do u want from us???!!  become a perfect nurse like a ROBOT follow every thing what u say... ???

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Food Fun Fair

hello hello every one that read my blog... yesterday we having food fun fair & open day in our college.
Hmm~ very tired & worthy lo... heehee...  Got variety of foods that we soled yesterday such as luk-luk, chee cheong fan, shushi, tomyam, ABC, cincao drink, fried ice-cream, dorayaki, kuih-muih & etc etc... My group soled the tosei. Actually I don't know how to make tosei but my indian friends teach me how to bake the tosei, it's very easy to bake only but the ingredient I don't know how to make la. ^^ I think most of the time we force people to buy our tosei (act pity face like that), so many people think twice than just they will buy. About 12++ we manage to sell all the tosei already because we prepared the flour not so much... so we earn not so much but more than our bajet. OK la~ ^^

After that, I go help my friends to sell the "chee cheong fan". we shout very loud so that will get attraction from customers. ^^ but... haizz... i hate to say this but i really don't how to xpress my feeling! I don't know whether I should thank her or jealous her or angry with her???!!! I am the one shout & attack the customers to come buy the chee cheong fan but other person get the "praise"!!!
"eh, XXX u VERY GOOD promoting the chee cheong fan ar, so many people come & buy now"
"go promote some more"
"see got more people come, go go ask them to come buy"
"XXX, u very good ar"      =.="
ok la, u say she good, I'm not good, better I go play & spend my coupons! blek!!!
No mood to help my friends to sell already(sorry friends)...
OKOK, she very GOOD, no need to announce so loud, every one can hear already! for ur information she there because u are there, when u walk off, she already MIA....... just to show u that she "hardworking" perhaps.... when I come back almost 4p.m already & when is her??? the chee cheong fan still got a lot, why don't ask her to promote until finish??? she very good ma & we don't know how to attract customers ma... speechless...

MMmmm~ yum yum~ I bought a lot of foods today but some foods I just eat half then gave to my friends half because some not nice. the most enjoy part today is when I go to the ghost house with my friends, I don't know why I feel so scare until I cry (I know who is the ghost but I still "takut"). hahah~ very funny... 3 of us enter the ghost house but only one of my friends din't feel scare so we hold her hands & close our eyes, then my friend help to find the way out. =.="   

(sorry>>> no photo uploaded because line very slow, i will upload next time ok)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Father said don’t worry about too many things.
But I’m on a mission and I can’t sleep.

If there’s supposed to be a method to insults,
Let me add some melody & you’ll think it’s the shit.

My shots(words) wont have ammunition
So don’t worry there won’t be any casualties.

The confidence is the pigment I paint with
A lot of things I do, you mayn’t understand the reason behind them.

Overlooking the world again, will make me feel a little better.
Being a human is very tiring.
Even though I’m somewhat exhausted, I’ll keep on going.

As a daughter, I must take care of my father
As a student, I must study hard & achieve successful in my life.

If you cry when you accept your award, then people think you are exaggerating.
But if you don’t show any emotion, you’re seen as arrogant.
If you were born with that expression, then they start blaming your mother.
In the end, someone else wins the prize.
And you still must give full applause with a smile.

Your life can’t be too show off, your things mustn't too expensive
& don't be too humble or "pura-pura",
I can only say being human being is really difficult.

Monday, April 4, 2011

“投我以桃,报之以李” 这种东西也不懂吗?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I hate my own group girls, I really can not tahan with their attitude, I duno why I like this but I'm sure I din't hurt the person that I hate but please dun make me more hate u!! Please use ur brain to think before u talk & please use a proper word when u wan to talk to people!! dun u think when u talk like that is no "manners"? ur body is big but ur brain is small, that's y u can't think about others! OMG!!!  I really hope that u will b defer from our group because I really hate to see ur face either ur voice! we won't feel sad/ unhappy when u are not one of our group girls! I HATE U I HATE U I HATE U!!
if u notice that I never talk to any body in this group, means that I HATE the person & I will never talk to them even though they ask me question because I really hate them!!!

the other things that I dun like about this group is no co-operation at all!! I know I like to do everything by my own self, I dun like to depend on others because I know u all won't do the work properly, so I prefer do every things alone rather than do double work..... For example assignment, when I ask u all to help me find the information, u all will delay or never do at all, more worst when u all just copy from the wiki(internet) & paste it for me!! U think I tak ada laptop to search internet ka???!! ok la, now no more copy in internet but exactly copy from the book then give me....haiyo... when I ask, u all will say duno, the book write like that!! I so trust u all can do the work properly but u all play play with me.... this call group work ke??? better do individual assignment than group assignment larrr.......

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

压力啊压力, 请你离我远远好吗!!! 我真的很累啊~ 很累!!
那些今天医生教的课我都懂了,所以刚他讲的课我都没专心~ 很无聊啊!
而且我们的级任整天都唠唠叨叨的!! 很吵啊!!
她还当我们像幼稚园同学那样, 真的很烦啦老师!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


5 weeks posting in that ward, eh... sorry, only 4 weeks. I think I learned a lot of things from that ward.. Firstly,  I  learned how to cope with the stress & scolding from the staff. Still remember my 1st week posting, everyday feel very stress & cry, everyday scolded by staff there, every things that I did was wrong,  feel like I'm very useless...
now after 4 weeks there, I din't feel "kancheong" to do work already, i do my work slowly so that no mistake happen again due to busy environment...
but still got little little mistake that I did larr... mistake can not be avoided ma... ^^ but can be lesser....
I like working with some staff but I also hate some staff there, because they very selfish! Some staff don't even bother have u taken ur lunch or dinner, they just want u to finish the work only, I don't like this type of staff! That day the staff scold me because I went for lunch but she haven't eat because she got a lot of things to do. that day only me in that team, not only that day but every day now, I work alone, that's y I can't finish the work!!!
Every day very busy, stand for 8-10 hours every when lye down on bed can straight away fall sleep, I feel very tired most of the time, so my immune very low, prone to get sickness as well... I just recover from C.pox last week & now get cough & flu again (URTI).
I feel happy when think back few patients that thankful me & got 1 patient's relative bought for me food  because I din't take my dinner due to busy working. thankyou very much... ^^'

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hard working or responsibility??

Working like mad in the ward!! every day doing the same thing.... help patient do toilet bath, not only 1 but 3-5 patients,changing drip, give inhalation, carry patient and patient heavy like elephant & I small like mouse,how to carry, change bedsheet, sponge patient, run there, run here!!!!! OMG!! I'm tired working like this!! Sooooooooooooooo many patients but few nurses working only, how can work like this!!! this is call "torture" but not responsibility of nurses!!! I'm sooooooooo tired!!! This week is the last week posting there, I wish I won't return to that ward again!!!!!!! please~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Muahahaahha~ 8days MC!!!! 都说你活该咯!!!!
我八天不在是不是搞到哪里七七八八的??!! 哈哈~

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

such a "cow"

I hate posting in that ward!!!! never get a chance to sit down!!! my legs very pain!!! I need to stand for 8-9 hours every day!!! Now I'm sick & u still ask me do that do this, run there, run here!! If I go take mc, u die because not enough ppl will help u!! The patient also same, keep pressing the call bell!! Do u think I dun have better work to do that just keep helping u adjust ur body & ur bed ar!!!!! Stupid IDIOT patient, u better go back home fast fast la!!!! Don't want see ur face ady!!! I feel very very tired because of u alone!!! PLEASE STOP PRESSING THE CALL BELL!!!!!  All my work can not do finish because I need to assist u!!!! U think U alone in the ward that all nurses need to attend only ar!!!!! HISHHHH~

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nurse's Prayer

Give me strength & wisdom,
when other need my touch,
A soothing word to speak to them,
Their heart yearn for so much,
Give me joy & laughter,
To lift a weary soul,
Pour in me compassion,
To make the broken whole,
Give me gentle healing hands,
For those left in my care,
A blessing to those need me,
This is a nurse's prayer.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

一日游(sunway pyramid)

Feel so happy & enjoy because can meet my best friend & my boy friend!
we start our day with breakfast at the JUSCO's food court there, Chloe & I share 1 plate of BBQ chicken rice.
After that we went to ice-skating. HEHE~ we play until our legs feel very pain & cramp. I think for the 1st time ice-skating person is normal to fall down, "like them"...><  they said very pain when fall down, hmm... I never experience it, so I don't know. ^^
Fai until now don't know how to ice skating but at least he can stable himself on the ice without easily get to "fall down". hehe~
Chloe more thinner than Fai, so she don't has the problem to stable herself on the ice. She scream very loud when she fall down for the 1st time. ><
Siang keep "holding" Chloe's hand so that she won't fall down but then got 1 time when Chloe fall down, he also fall down together2. hahaha~ so ke lian...
oh, how about me??? secret~ hahaha~


best friend forever ^^
After that, we went to Red-Box sing karaok.. my dear Chloe very love to sing bolywood songs, i also don't know she know how to sing that songs, hahahahahah~ by the ways Chloe is the best singer among us. Siang, u also not bad hor... i thought u don't know how to sing >< first time hear u sing song.

Then we went to play game>>>>SDO<<<<< hmmm~ I always loose when play game T__T 
Chloe & Siang is the best dancers ><  I get easily frustrated when I lost in a game, that's why I don't like play game..

Finally, we went to watch  BORING movie... haizzz.... see, Chloe watch the movie until sleeping & Siang keep wake Chloe up. hahaha~ I think we should not watch that movie lar.. (regretful)
we should watch a romantic movie, right?? @_@

After that, is time for Chloe to go back. If Chloe can stay more longer with us that time, may be she can go eat dinner with us together. we went to the RAMEN restaurant for the dinner. 

It was "enjoy & happy" day for me... ^^ how about u guys???

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I can accept every things that happening~ I won't easily give up! I will try my best, no... I sure can do my best!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


yesterday I did a mistake that I feel like myself very useless & careless!!
that mistake I will be remember forever & I try to avoid that thing from happening again!!
I desert to get the scolding from sister & CI because I am not a careful std nurse!
I go to the ward I just thinking of doing procedure, I never think about patient's life or
to help them, I just want go there do the procedure & finish my work faster....
I am just a std nurse that doing thing without any knowledge!!!!!
SO, from now on, I should learn from my mistake & learn!
Thankyou CI because give me 1 more chance, I will make sure that it will not happen
again. I willing to learn from you & get help from u when I am in dumb!!
what I should change>>> speak out & dun just keep quiet.....

I feel happy when I went out watch movie (BOULEQUE) with my friends...
but when I come back here(once step in this college, I feel very stress back!!
I think that can I just walk off from this college & never come back here again but....
this is impossible because I don't dare to do that!!! my future is stuck at here!
I just need to accept all this~ GOD BLESS ME

Monday, February 21, 2011


today is my first day posting in M ward.... so what happening today? after passing report, my busy life started~
I need to run up n down, run there run  here, answer patient's call bell, help staff do thing.. & I become blur!
blur until make mistake!! OMG~ I'm so tired!!!
I take sth from the box that I suppose not touch the thg inside the box!!! ARRRRrrr~ now the sister haven't know, If sister found out this, I sure will DIE!!! so next time, if senior ask me help her take anything, I beter refuse or don't help them! If not this what will happen!
Next, I delay do ryle's tube feeding for the patient because I m too busy!!! so I kena denda come back late...
Then staff ask me go "angiogram room" to pass patient's file for the staff there, I could find the room!!!
today is really my miserable DAY!!! Another 5 weeks for me to suffer at there!!!! Help me!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


even though the decoration not so nice but it very delicious~ ^^

Friday, February 18, 2011

Exam days

These few days can not sleep well~ insomnia every night!
about 3-4a.m just can sleep. got 1 day din't sleep at all!
when wakeup feel very tired but luckily manage to answer the questions!
Haizz~ sad thing is 1st day exam forget to cut fingers nail, then tutor "halau"
me go out to cut my fingers nail T___T
Luckily I sempat back to the exam haall before they start answering!
I think i already do my best this time exam! I din't online, din't waste mt time
doing something else besides revision.
so I wish that I can get high mark! ~PRAY~

Monday, February 14, 2011

lonely valentine day

I see everybody going out with their BF today, I feel very jealous but what I can do, my BF very far far away from me... T__T can not celebrate valentine day with me... so now we need to postpone our valentine day til this 23rd Feb because he's coming to KL! muahahaha~ so xcited to see him... ^^

I dream about you evey night
I shiver when your in sight
I long to hold you close n tight
I wanna be there with all my might
I m just hoping I'm the girl whos right
I <3 U

Monday, February 7, 2011

last week

1st day reach KB
Today when I reach kb & waiting my bf come to fetch me, there a “pak cik” ask me this question, “adik you orang cina ke orang melayu?”. I tell him that I’m Chinese, I feel very weird why he ask me so. Then he say again. “Oh, ingat tadi orang melayu, kalu orang melayu pak cik nak tunjuk <<<<ni>>>>>”, he show the mirror to me! I feel very scared, he is “orang gila” or what…. So I just push his hand! Then he say that “sekarang kalu orang melayu tak pakai tudung pak cik nak cerminkan, nak bagi tegok muka tu cantik ke tak, sebab tunjuk aurat kepada orang ramai”… in my heart say “ pak cik ni sah orang gila, sebab aku dah cakap tadi aku bukan orang melayu”! then he tell me about ‘nabi’, about orang islam… Actually I want to tell him that “pak cik, saya bukan orang islam, tak payah cakap semua tu kat saya, saya tak berminat”, but I say “ pak cik tak percaya ke saya ni cina, nak tengok Ic saya ke?”. Suddenly got other guy look like “orang gila” that come & tell him to park his car other place. That orang gila tell me don’t go with that pak cik, don’t enter that pak cik car, that pak cik may do something bad to me! That orang gila keep repeating tell me the same thing. I feel very very scare that time luckily got a lot of people that waiting for bus there. So I just hope that my boyfriend will come fast fast~ haizz~  so this is “kb, Kelantan”  if you all want to know… better next time bring ic when go out, if not people will tangkap you if you are suspected Islam & din’t wear tudung for the girl…

Reunion dinner  (团圆饭)
On the 30th night in Chinese calendar, all of our family members gather to eat “tuan yuan fan” together. ^^ unfortunately our family members have too much people so 1 table not enough to sit together~ so we got 2 round for the dinner. Hehe~ moreover we eat the rice by using our hand. Like malay tradition. ==”
Hmm… the dinner is simple foods that was prepared by my two sisters, the foods  such as “big fish, pork, ulam with budu, vege & fish soup” , very delicious… I love all the foods! Waa… I feel so happy this year because can eat with my family together2! Last year very unlucky because I back on the 1st day CNY, about 4.30p.m like that just reach home! Haizzzz~

1st  CNY day
Hmm~ what happen today? Sigh~ I don’t know why my dad keep scolding me today??!! I feel so angry so I decided do not say or talk anything, just watch movie whole day! Like this also kena marah! I already stay at home and din’t go out but like this also he still unsatisfied with me.. I don’ know what else can I do… !!! Then early in the morning kena force by my brother to eat the thing that I hate very much already! That thing we call as “nian gao” or we call it “kuih bakul”, it a Chinese tradition food, my sis cook it like a soup like that, the ingredient is the nian gao, pork, vege & prawn. I need to finish 1 bowl of it~ Arr~ I really force myself to eat thing that I hate so much! I feel like vomiting but I don’t vomit out because I don’t want let my sis disappointed! Haizzzz~ T_______T
But today I just stay at home also got a lot of “ang pao”, because got few our relatives from Machang come to our house to “pai nian”, they all very rich, so I got big ang pao from them! Hahahah~
I think I can use my ang pao money to buy new handphone. >< hope so la

2nd CNY day
Hahahahahaha~ today wake up late…. =p
Last night don’t know what’s wrong with me, stomachache! Very painful ar, can not sleep well. So today wake up very late. I think I eat too much yesterday that’s why feel very stomach discomfort! ><
Today I went to my relative’s house with family. Now I just know that my relatives & my relative also know me… hehe~ I never go to my relative’s house so they don’t know me. I feel so “pai se” but feel very happy when get a lot of ang pao. Actually I don’t want to go to my relative’s house today but had been force by two person, if I din’t go sure these people will scold me again, so better just go than scolded by them! Haizzz~ I think I eat non-stop these two days… eat & eat & eat! Even though feel very full also keep eating because sisters ask to eat.. ==”

3rd CNY day
Today doing nothing at home, just keeping house and watching tv whole day! Feel very boring… tomorrow I will go back to Kl already! Feel very sad because need to leave house again but if next time come back home, I think I won’t back to that house again because I need to move to other house. @__@
Hmm… today I haven’t eat rice yet, I feel so hungry! Finally got food for me for dinner but I just eat a bit of satay only. Now I still feel very hungry T___T but I don’t dare to tell anyone here because I feel shy! Hahahahahahaha~
I don’t know why my father talk about my bf today… haizz~ what’s wrong with “him”! I really don’t know how to respond to my father whn he ask me about “him”.. sigh..
I also don’t know why he suddenly say that he don’t like “him”. May be because he too “fat” hehe~ or I don’t know larrr!
He said he want the son-in-law that has brighter future… haizzz~ what should I do now???!!! I confuse & frustrated!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


>< today get our blue ribbon
So now, we become more seniors already... & we also need to achieve a lot of procedure!
moreover, become a senior more responsibility that we suppose to do... I feel like my responsible now become more heavy & I scare that if something happen during my posting time because of  juniors make silly mistake I kena scold by staff nurse ... T___T I don't want be senior... I want be forever "Juniors" that look like innocent one! hahahahhaha~

Presentation day

Yesterday when I enter the class, my senior told me that my gruop need to present "vagina infection" assignment!
waa~ T___T I feel so tension that time, so I run to my group members hope they can help me because I haven't ready yet... I am the group leader so I the one suppose get ready everything but then I blame my group members din't discuss or do with me the assignment! I got 5 minute to on my laptop & find out whether I got do it or not before my tutor come in!! Luckily I did it but I haven't completed the assignment yet... so I just present what I had did "alone"! Actually I have skip 1 more infection that I suppose to present but then I din't open the slide & tutor also don't know, perhaps.... hahahah~ Luckily that day I mange to present my assignment infront seniors n my friends... hahaha~ I very nervous & scare that tutor will comment about my presentation(assignment) because this will make me embarass infront all seniors... ><
the leason is>>>>>
do ur assignment once ur tutors give u & don't delay ur assignment until last minute... =="

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Abortion is the removal or destruction of an embryo or fetus before birth. It may be spontaneous or induced.

Types of Abortion:
1. Spontaneous abortion or miscarriages
- is a type of abortion that occur without medical or other intervention.  About 90% of miscarriages occur during the first trimester (first three months, or 12 weeks of pregnancy).

Symptoms of Miscarriage:
  • A typical 10th week miscarriage is characterized by a very heavy menstrual period. A pregnant woman may experience several days of bleeding and cramps before the contents of the uterus are removed, followed by a short period of bleeding until the lining of the uterus heals.
  • Miscarriage after the 12th week is like a mild version of the labor of during childbirth, with strong contractions that dilate the cervix and expel the fetus.
  • Miscarriages between the 13th and 24th weeks (second trimester) are most often caused by faulty attachment of the placenta to the walls of the uterus or from a weak cervix that dilates too soon.
Medical names of the various stages of actual or possible miscarriages:
  • Threatened abortion is a condition of pregnancy, occurring before the 20th week of gestation, the patient usually experiences vaginal bleeding with or without some cramps, and the cervix is closed.
  • Inevitable abortion is when the bleeding continues and becomes heavy, it usually means that the cervix is dilating and the contents of the uterus are being expelled. Pregnant women will experience lower abdominal cramping and bleeding.
  • Complete abortion is when all the contents are expelled.  
  • Incomplete abortion is a name given to abortion where the uterus retains part or all of the placenta. Bleeding may occur because part of the placenta may adhere to the uterine wall and the uterus does not contract to seal the large blood vessels that feed the placenta. 
  • Missed abortion - is a case in which an intrauterine pregnancy is present but is no longer developing normally. 
2. Induced abortion
- this type of abortion uses drugs or instruments to stop the normal course of pregnancy.

Different methods for performing abortions:
  • Menstrual Extraction (endometrial or vacuum aspiration). This method is used for most abortions performed during the first trimester(about 8 weeks). It is done by suctioning out the lining of the uterus (endometrium) through a thin opening of the undilated cervix.
  • Dilation and Evacuation (D & E) (also called vacuum suction or suction curettage) and Dilation and Curettage (D & C). This method is commonly used for late first trimester or early second trimester abortions. Some doctors use a hollow, spoon-shaped knife, or curette, to ensure that all the placental tissues are removed by scraping the uterine walls.

  • Prostaglandin or Saline Administration. This method is done by injecting prostaglandins or saline solution through the uterine wall and into the amniotic sac holding the fetus to induce labor and delivery of a nonviable fetus. This procedure is commonly used for second trimester abortions.
  • Hysterotomy. The uterus is opened through a small abdominal incision and the fetus is removed. Hysterotomy is usually performed only when other methods have failed repeatedly, it is performed under general anesthesia. It is used between the 12th and the 24th week of pregnancy. 

Causes of the abortion
  • Spontaneous
  • Uterine anatomy(not suitable for fetus to implant)
  • Luteal phase defect ( inadequate secretion of progesterone cause infertility)
  • Fetal genetic anomalies
  • Incompetent cervix (dilatation of cervix during pregnancy)
  • Infections
  • Antifetal antibodies
  • Alloimmune disease 
  • Radiation
  • Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD)
  • smoking
  • Alcohol ingestion
  • Heavy caffeine consumption 
  • Antiphospholipid antibodies
  • ectopic pregnancy (fetus implant somewhere other than uterus)
  • molar pregnancy (tissue that normally becomes a fetus instead becomes a growth,called mole)
  • dysfunction of uterine
Habitual abortion, recurrent miscarriage or recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is the occurrence of three or more pregnancies that end in miscarriage of the fetus, usually before 20 weeks of gestation.

Monday, January 24, 2011


This few days I keep reading comic book, I think I addicted to it already~
I feel more interested to read comic book than online-ing now.
Most of the comic books that i had read is about love story.
All cartoon characters very cute... ><
I will read it non-stop & I can ignore people around me or who talk to me... !!
It all happened when I went to the comic shop & bought few comic books that only course RM1!!!
 Now, I finish read my own comic books & start borrow-ing from my friends.... ><

leukemia Part II


Like all blood cells, leukemia cells travel through the body.
If the brain is affected, they may have headaches, vomiting, confusion, loss of muscle control, or seizures. Leukemia also can affect other parts of the body such as the digestive tract, kidneys, lungs, heart, or testes.

in conclusion, leukemia will effect whole body system....T__T
(shown in below picture)


Doctors sometimes find leukemia after a routine blood test. 
You may have one or more of the following tests:
  • Physical exam: Your doctor checks for swollen lymph nodes, spleen, or liver.
  • Blood tests: The lab does a complete blood count to check the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Leukemia causes a very high level of white blood cells. It may also cause low levels of platelets and hemoglobin, which is found inside red blood cells.
    • Bone marrow aspiration: The doctor uses a thick, hollow needle to remove samples of bone marrow.
    • Bone marrow biopsy: The doctor uses a very thick, hollow needle to remove a small piece of bone and bone marrow.
  • Cytogenetics: If abnormal chromosomes are found, the test can show what type of leukemia you have. For example, people with CML have an abnormal chromosome called the Philadelphia chromosome.
  • spinal tap: Your doctor may remove some of the cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid that fills the spaces in and around the brain and spinal cord).
  • Chest X-ray: An x-ray can show swollen lymph nodes or other signs of disease in your chest.


The options of treatments are watchful waiting (Not getting cancer treatment right away), chemotherapy, targeted therapy, biological therapy, radiation therapy, and stem cell transplant.
The choice of treatment depends mainly on the following:
  • The type of leukemia (acute or chronic)
  • Your age
  1. Whether leukemia cells were found in your cerebrospinal fluidThe goal of treatment is to destroy signs of leukemia in the body and make symptoms go away. (This is called a remission.)
  2. After people go into remission, more therapy may be given to prevent a relapse. This type of therapy is called consolidation therapy or maintenance therapy. 
  3. stem cell transplants offer some people with chronic leukemia the chance for cure. 

"actually there is no cure for leukemia patient" , it's just can make the symptoms go away but the cancer cells still in the body! T_____T the most dangerous cancer is leukemia which effect whole body system because it involve blood in our body!! Only MIRACLE can cure the leukemia!

 Let us pray for those leukemia patients to be more stronger to fight the disease & hope for the miracle to happen... =>

Sunday, January 23, 2011


What is leukemia?

Leukemia is cancer that starts in the tissue that forms blood.
To understand cancer, it helps to know how normal blood cells form.
Normal Blood Cells
Most blood cells develop from cells in the bone marrow called stem cell.
Stem cells mature into different kinds of blood cells. 
  • White blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets
When cells grow old or get damaged, they die, and new cells take their place.

First, a stem cell matures into either a myeloid stem cell or a lymphoid stem cell:
  • A myeloid stem cell matures into a myeloid blast. The blast can form a red blood cell, platelets, or one of several types of white blood cells.
  • A lymphoid stem cell matures into a lymphoid blast. The blast can form one of several types of white blood cells, such as B cells or T cells.
The white blood cells that form from myeloid blasts are different from the white blood cells that form from lymphoid blasts.
Picture of Leukemia

Leukemia Cells
In a person with leukemia, the bone marrow makes abnormal white blood cells.
The abnormal cells are leukemia cells.
Unlike normal blood cells, leukemia cells don't die when they should.
They may crowd out normal white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets.
This makes it hard for normal blood cells to do their work.

Types of Leukemia

Leukemia is either chronic (which usually gets worse slowly) or
acute (which usually gets worse quickly):
  • Chronic leukemia: Early in the disease, leukemia person may not have any symptoms at first. As the number of leukemia cells in the blood increases, people get symptoms, such as swollen lymph nodes or infections.
  • Acute leukemia: The leukemia cells can't do any of the work of normal white blood cells. The number of leukemia cells increases rapidly.
The types of leukemia also can be grouped based on the type of white blood cell that is affected.
Leukemia can start in lymphoid cells or myeloid cells.
Leukemia that affects lymphoid cells is called lymphoid, lymphocytic, or lymphoblastic leukemia.
Leukemia that affects myeloid cells is called myeloid, myelogenous, or myeloblastic leukemia.
There are four common types of leukemia:
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): CLL affects lymphoid cells and usually grows slowly. Most often, people diagnosed with the disease are over age 55. 
  • Acute myeloid leukemia (AML): AML affects myeloid cells and grows quickly.  It occurs in both adults and children.

to be continue....

Friday, January 21, 2011

so excited, 1 more week then can go back home to celebrate CNY!
Haahhhahah~ my father sure very happy can see me go back again... ^^
this year, I just want to wear T-shirt during CNY...
So most of my T-shirt I bought in pasar malam... (very cheap)
1st CNY I will wear this>>>

This T-shirt has 36 different faces.

2nd CNY I think I will wear this>>>

This T-shirt has mashimaro cartoon which I like the most~
& it got 12 animals (十二生肖)that make the T-shirt more special!

3rd day CNY, I suppose to come back kL already, T____T
actually I don't think to buy any T-shirt already but then my friend bought it
so that we have same T-shirt in this CNY!

I have 2 same T-shirt of the same cartoon~
but this T-shirt more special than 1st 1 that I bought.
This cartoon show they very fat & wanna go for jogging~
very funny & cute cartoon~^^

I also got buy few things go back hometown for my father,
hope he like it la....


feel very scare before enter... this is my 1st time somemore
I scare will jatuh & all people around there will laugh at me,
I learn about half an hour with my friend & finally I know how to skate already!
It was good experience...^^
I will feel scare if no one hold my hand or I din't hold something...

One of my friend very funny, she will hug or hold other people when she want to fall down!
hahahahhah~ so funny.. she don't care who are u, she just will hold everybody there who stand infront her.
My the other friend will keep walking on the ice...
feel very pity her because she keep falling down, I feel now her back sure very pain!
my other two more friends know how to play, so I will hold their hand & turn around the place...
I can learn very fast but I stil don't have the confident...
I will only dare to go around when got people hold my hands ony eventhogh that person duno how to skate...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A hug

There are 12 advantages of HUGGING:
1. Relieves tension
2. Improve blood flow
3. Reduce stress
4. Non-pollution
5. Helps self-esteen
6. Generates good will
7. No battery required
8. Non-toxic
9. silent performance
10.Extremely personal
11. fully returnable
12. Absolutely NO cost

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No manner

Eh u! please la... does ur parents teach u how to talk to people nicely!!!
Stupid! Idiot! Crazy! No Brain!
Can u use ur brain to think!!!! Ops~ I forgot that u has no brain~
U wan to shout to other please use ur eyes to see n use ur brain to think 1st!!!!!
N u~ dun be soooooo silly can or not! U know that there no place for u to
sit already then y u stil wan to squeeze there! Does it din't make sense!!!
U can go sit infront that also want people tell u ar!!! please la...please dun be soooo silly can or not!!!
I dun wan talk to u n I think I dun feel like be ur friend ady~
beter dun has a friend like u! never think about others!!!!!
I still can survive without u this idiot friend!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


what I wish for this coming CNY is just want to see two important guys in my life but then I know I can not make it.... so I just hope that nothing is possible~

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hmm... today i went to old town with my friends to go photostat some note...
but then the shop in not open, so we went to other shop, the shop "lao pang" like dun like us to go his shop bcos we always go to the other shop! Then I oso "bu suan" that lao pang bcos he not friendly!!! So I cancer to deal with him!!! I rather dun wan photostat the not than deal with the person like that!!!!
After that, I saw a begger at the road side, then I gave him the cha kui, he feel so happy n say "terima kasih" when received the cha kui... I os feel happy too~ ^^
I never thk that, just small help like that can make him feel so happy~

Saturday, January 8, 2011

No electricity

so teruk 1... Y no electric for so long time de... nothing can I do when no electric! can not watch tv, can not online, can not on laptop, can not study(hot), n etc etc!!! EIIIIIIIIIIIIII~~~~
so any suggestion???
I thinking about going out to Md to onlining n do some revision there! hahahah~

Friday, January 7, 2011

Flu again

I duno what happen to me recently, may be to stress up...
Last month flu ady n flu again... n need to eat the same medication lagi...
Just change the antibiotic med only...
Last month eat the Zithtromax, now need to eat the Augmnetin because the Zithromax not berkesan!!
ARRR~ I hate medicines... I dun wan eat anymore but I can nt avoid it if I wan to cure~
But then I eat  also not recover de~ haiyooooo!!!!
Flu ar flu please go away!!!!!!


T__________T    I got big problem here!!!! I duno what should I do now!!!! I rely feel stress now!!!!
I count it for many many time ady bt the amount still the same!!! I duno where it gone!!!!
I duno whether i careless n missing it or somebody took it.... ARRRR~
what should I do now???? Should I inform this problem to my tutor????
If I inform it sure big big problem will come out....   & then my tutor will say that I'm not a responsible person!!! I feel so tension now!!! If I din't inform, later it happen again how????!!!!
ARRRRR~ please help me~~~
Dear Lord, please help me
I rely duno what should I do now???

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Unbelievable~ today O&G class I didn't felt sleep! hahah~
Bt I lost in the middle of the zygote formation...
It's look like very interesting topic because from here I can know how the formation of the cell to become a embryo... but then I can not catch what the term that she explaining and I don't know the end of the story!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year 2011

This year countdown went to KL with my sisters & family.
1st time countdown together,
1st time stay over night together

In the hotel..She sleeping beside me on that night

At the pavilion, KL..
We found the santa's Reindeer but din't saw santa there

Her family very friendly... ^^

Jerry is my cute little boyfriend,
He like to kiss & hug me,
He said that he "LOVE" me...

She waiting to register.....KTMP

 I accompany her go to the hostel by bus.....

I feel very happy that I know them in my life
I love them!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

10 ways to be the best

1. Take care of the appearance
2. Always smile. "happy day make you release stress"
3. Exercise more
4. Never put yourself up by putting others down. "It doesn't work"
5. Be yourself & no need to be fake
6. Carry yourself well.
7. Look beyond you & celebrate the accomplishment of others
8. Do not compete with others but compete with yourself
9. Get some sleep.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

No tittle

Now I suppose to be happy or sad???!!!
I really don't know!
Just now gt pre-test before entering SEM3, so last night I just did some revision!
I thought I will get low mark, but unfortunately I get more than what I expected!
Ok, after test, I need to present the review assignment,
and I think my tutor very angry & not satisfied with my presentation!
Haizz~ I feel very upset now... Y I don't clever like smart student!
I also don't know what memory contain inside my brain....
I can't even answer simple question that ask by tutor!
I feel like I am the looser!!!!


I was choosen to be treasurer in my group yesterday...
OMG, I dun like this position because I dun like to keep money...
But I should do my best to be the treasurer!
I hope I can handle it properly...
wish me luck la ^^

Being a NURSE means...

You will never be bored.
You will always be frustrated.
You will be surrounded by challenges.
So much to do and so little time.
You will carry immense responsibility
and very little authority.
You will step into people's lives
and you will make a difference.
Some will bless you.
Some will curse you.
You will see people at their worst,
and at their best.
You will never cease to be amazed
at people's capacity for
love, courage, and endurance.
You will see life begin
and end.
You will experience resounding triumphs
And devastating failures.
You will cry a lot.
You will laugh a lot.
You will know what it is to be human
and to be humane.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I dun have mood to write my blog now bcos somebody make me no mood to talk!
I feel like myself rely no use...
I feel like wat I said oso no use...
I feel like.....
nothing to said already!