Saturday, April 9, 2011

Food Fun Fair

hello hello every one that read my blog... yesterday we having food fun fair & open day in our college.
Hmm~ very tired & worthy lo... heehee...  Got variety of foods that we soled yesterday such as luk-luk, chee cheong fan, shushi, tomyam, ABC, cincao drink, fried ice-cream, dorayaki, kuih-muih & etc etc... My group soled the tosei. Actually I don't know how to make tosei but my indian friends teach me how to bake the tosei, it's very easy to bake only but the ingredient I don't know how to make la. ^^ I think most of the time we force people to buy our tosei (act pity face like that), so many people think twice than just they will buy. About 12++ we manage to sell all the tosei already because we prepared the flour not so much... so we earn not so much but more than our bajet. OK la~ ^^

After that, I go help my friends to sell the "chee cheong fan". we shout very loud so that will get attraction from customers. ^^ but... haizz... i hate to say this but i really don't how to xpress my feeling! I don't know whether I should thank her or jealous her or angry with her???!!! I am the one shout & attack the customers to come buy the chee cheong fan but other person get the "praise"!!!
"eh, XXX u VERY GOOD promoting the chee cheong fan ar, so many people come & buy now"
"go promote some more"
"see got more people come, go go ask them to come buy"
"XXX, u very good ar"      =.="
ok la, u say she good, I'm not good, better I go play & spend my coupons! blek!!!
No mood to help my friends to sell already(sorry friends)...
OKOK, she very GOOD, no need to announce so loud, every one can hear already! for ur information she there because u are there, when u walk off, she already MIA....... just to show u that she "hardworking" perhaps.... when I come back almost 4p.m already & when is her??? the chee cheong fan still got a lot, why don't ask her to promote until finish??? she very good ma & we don't know how to attract customers ma... speechless...

MMmmm~ yum yum~ I bought a lot of foods today but some foods I just eat half then gave to my friends half because some not nice. the most enjoy part today is when I go to the ghost house with my friends, I don't know why I feel so scare until I cry (I know who is the ghost but I still "takut"). hahah~ very funny... 3 of us enter the ghost house but only one of my friends din't feel scare so we hold her hands & close our eyes, then my friend help to find the way out. =.="   

(sorry>>> no photo uploaded because line very slow, i will upload next time ok)

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