Friday, December 17, 2010

stress larrrrr~

two more weeks then we need start go back to study ady!
bt nw any procedure oso like din't do yet~
so terrible! we just posting for 1 month bt need achieved so many procedure that rarely gt in the ward!
how can we done all that in short period la! some more we need to fight with own group and other group girl to gt the procedure! so bad larrr~ she very bad! this is the second time she "rampas" my procedure! I in that team suppose I do la that procedure, how can she go "booked" it!!!! so bad arrrrrr~
nw I can't do anythg!!!! I m so stupid!!!!!!
Not ony that, now last minute just give us the assignment and we need to do a lot of assignment that I duno whether can finish in this short period or not!!!
eeeeeee~ I m so tired la~~~

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