Thursday, December 30, 2010

25 Random things

1. I can't sleep in class anymore. Don't know why, either. :(
2. I am absent minded when I wake up.
3. I don't have a bolster to sleep with. Not that I mind it very much.
4. Very noisy/loud places aren't my thing.
5. Meeting deadlines are my thing.
6. I'm good with arranging.
7. I miss watching chinese drama!!!!
8. Sometimes it scares me that I adapt well.
9. I tend to worry too much on "insert current happenings".
10. I still play children's games. =P
11. When I'm stressed I'll sing loudly.
12. I heart guys with British accents.
13. Sometimes I can't hear people calling my name.
14. I don't go clubbing.
15. I love shopping.
16. I tease people, a lot.
17. I'm hard working person.
18. I like traveling abroad alone. Would love to do it again and again.
19. My closet's full of stuff. It'll have an overload soon.
20. I have a habit of sleep until 12p.m.
21. I tend to procrastinate, not having enough initiative if I don't like that certain work.
22. I love cat, especially Garry in this college.
23. I don't log in to Friendster anymore. Read: lousy connection.
24. I still like to whack certain friends.
25. I have scoliosis.
上课,assignment ,考试,OSCE ,还有朋友们给的压力
虽然外表很坚强, 但内心是很懦弱

Monday, December 27, 2010


突然很想 不去上课
发一发呆 偷一点懒
但是又要 问我自己
是不是要 努力一点
梦想总是 绕一个圈
却还是要 回到原点
是不是我 还需要再努力一点
我真的没时间 吃一顿早餐
我没时间 去锻炼锻炼
我没时间  逛一逛商店
我没时间 真的没有时间
我没时间 谈一谈恋爱
我没时间  常回家看看
我没时间 我有很多烦
为什么总是 没有时间
我越来越 怀念从前
无忧无虑 美好童年
但是又要 问我自己
是不是要 坚强一点
梦想总是 绕一个圈
却还是要 回到原点
是不是我 还需要再坚强一点
我真的没时间 泡杯水
我没时间 要休息
我没时间 要逛街
我没时间  真的没有时间
我没时间 打电话或sms
我没时间 见朋友
我没时间 我有的是压力
为什么总是 没有时间
我只剩下 空空的口袋
我只好在 原地发呆
这个世界 变化的 太快
我要怎么 画出未来
我只剩下 空空的口袋
我只好在 原地发呆
这个世界 变化的太快

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Just for u

Hmm.. today is 27th of December 2010 and few days to go we will celebrating new year 2011
Time goes so fast...
I miss the time in secondary school~
I miss the day when I first met u~
I miss the time when I know u~
I miss the time when I fall in love with u~
I miss the time when I ......................
Now I feel regret that I did not appreciated the time when I have chance to be with u last time
Now I rarely can see u & in this year I just met u for only 7 days!!! ARRRR~
I miss u so much!!!
Now I can not do anything... T____T
Dear...I'm sorry because I never celebrate with u any celebration
your birthday, valentime, Cny, my birthday, our graduation day & NEW YEAR!
Feel very regret now... I wish that in next year & coming next years,
we will have a lot of sweet memories together.... ^^

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A little thing called love

Love season is so beautiful
Right here waiting
Whenever u go
Whenever u stay
I will be right here
waiting for u
until the end of the works
It's because of u that come to me
to stay in my heart every night & day
the world has path away
the world has stairs
that lead us to meet each other
in this world
has two of us
that make for each other

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry x'mas

we wish u a merry x'mas
we wish u a merry x'mas
we wish u a merry x'mas
& the happy new year~
Good tiding we bring wherever u r
Good tiding for x'mas & the happy new year!
we wish u a merry x'mas
we wish u a merry x'mas
we wish u a merry x'mas
& the happy new year~


What a horrible day! That old lady blame me! She out of her mind!
I'm doing nothing wrong today but she scold and shout at me like I make a big2 mistake like that!
I waiting at there for so long and they are the 1 who delay to do it and why is scolding trow to me!
Isn't it very unfair??!!
You don't think that I am just a student so you can simply blame me and scold me, 1 day I will be  more powerful than you and that time you see what will happen! Let God punish you because of your bad mouth!!!

and for the other person, you know who you are and you just see I scolded by her and without saying anything!!
I don't want to blame you but please don't make other students suffer like what you had done to me this morning
I hate this feeling and I try to control my emotion but I can't do it!!!
I lost my concentration while doing other things just because of your scolding!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

stress larrrrr~

two more weeks then we need start go back to study ady!
bt nw any procedure oso like din't do yet~
so terrible! we just posting for 1 month bt need achieved so many procedure that rarely gt in the ward!
how can we done all that in short period la! some more we need to fight with own group and other group girl to gt the procedure! so bad larrr~ she very bad! this is the second time she "rampas" my procedure! I in that team suppose I do la that procedure, how can she go "booked" it!!!! so bad arrrrrr~
nw I can't do anythg!!!! I m so stupid!!!!!!
Not ony that, now last minute just give us the assignment and we need to do a lot of assignment that I duno whether can finish in this short period or not!!!
eeeeeee~ I m so tired la~~~

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

CON night

10th of December
Finally after stress up for the performance that we need to perform end! I feel so happy that every1 enjoy our performance!

On that night, I gt the book award for the first place in semester 1.^^

This is the carolling group that I join...

It was fun & enjoy experience...
I went for the first time to ward by ward to sing the cristhmas songs...

I love this photo so much!(my frends & me)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

there is rainbow after raining

I duno y I feel upset recently bt today I thk I am very lucky bcos I gt no.2 and 3.5 for semester2... ^^
I never expected that I'll gt such position in my class bcos I know that I din't work so hard for this sem!
May be is my luck~ GOD bless me...
I not confident at all during exam and I gt low mark if compare to other frends, bt y I stil can gt no.2?? Not ony abt that, today is my lucky day la, CI oso willing to sign my logbook... I rely feel very happy lo...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Recently feel very depress bcos no procedure I achieve yet...Just left 4 more weeks ony!!!
Help me ar... Y the ward that I posted no procedure to do like other ward sui arrr~
T_____T I so tension now, if I din't achieve procedure that targeted, I can't enter sem3 la!!!
Oh Lord, please help me....
Wat should I do??? My head thking alot of thgs now and make me feel very depress and stress!!
I can't control my feeling like last time ady! I rely can bcome insane now!!

sleeping sickness

OMG! I duno wat happening to me recently..
I can't sleep well (insomnia) and my head keep thking sth...
1 day I just can sleep for 3-4 hours ony! AArrrrrrr~
help me ar! I wan to drink cough mixt so that I can sleep later!!