Thursday, March 31, 2011

I hate my own group girls, I really can not tahan with their attitude, I duno why I like this but I'm sure I din't hurt the person that I hate but please dun make me more hate u!! Please use ur brain to think before u talk & please use a proper word when u wan to talk to people!! dun u think when u talk like that is no "manners"? ur body is big but ur brain is small, that's y u can't think about others! OMG!!!  I really hope that u will b defer from our group because I really hate to see ur face either ur voice! we won't feel sad/ unhappy when u are not one of our group girls! I HATE U I HATE U I HATE U!!
if u notice that I never talk to any body in this group, means that I HATE the person & I will never talk to them even though they ask me question because I really hate them!!!

the other things that I dun like about this group is no co-operation at all!! I know I like to do everything by my own self, I dun like to depend on others because I know u all won't do the work properly, so I prefer do every things alone rather than do double work..... For example assignment, when I ask u all to help me find the information, u all will delay or never do at all, more worst when u all just copy from the wiki(internet) & paste it for me!! U think I tak ada laptop to search internet ka???!! ok la, now no more copy in internet but exactly copy from the book then give me....haiyo... when I ask, u all will say duno, the book write like that!! I so trust u all can do the work properly but u all play play with me.... this call group work ke??? better do individual assignment than group assignment larrr.......

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

压力啊压力, 请你离我远远好吗!!! 我真的很累啊~ 很累!!
那些今天医生教的课我都懂了,所以刚他讲的课我都没专心~ 很无聊啊!
而且我们的级任整天都唠唠叨叨的!! 很吵啊!!
她还当我们像幼稚园同学那样, 真的很烦啦老师!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


5 weeks posting in that ward, eh... sorry, only 4 weeks. I think I learned a lot of things from that ward.. Firstly,  I  learned how to cope with the stress & scolding from the staff. Still remember my 1st week posting, everyday feel very stress & cry, everyday scolded by staff there, every things that I did was wrong,  feel like I'm very useless...
now after 4 weeks there, I din't feel "kancheong" to do work already, i do my work slowly so that no mistake happen again due to busy environment...
but still got little little mistake that I did larr... mistake can not be avoided ma... ^^ but can be lesser....
I like working with some staff but I also hate some staff there, because they very selfish! Some staff don't even bother have u taken ur lunch or dinner, they just want u to finish the work only, I don't like this type of staff! That day the staff scold me because I went for lunch but she haven't eat because she got a lot of things to do. that day only me in that team, not only that day but every day now, I work alone, that's y I can't finish the work!!!
Every day very busy, stand for 8-10 hours every when lye down on bed can straight away fall sleep, I feel very tired most of the time, so my immune very low, prone to get sickness as well... I just recover from C.pox last week & now get cough & flu again (URTI).
I feel happy when think back few patients that thankful me & got 1 patient's relative bought for me food  because I din't take my dinner due to busy working. thankyou very much... ^^'

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hard working or responsibility??

Working like mad in the ward!! every day doing the same thing.... help patient do toilet bath, not only 1 but 3-5 patients,changing drip, give inhalation, carry patient and patient heavy like elephant & I small like mouse,how to carry, change bedsheet, sponge patient, run there, run here!!!!! OMG!! I'm tired working like this!! Sooooooooooooooo many patients but few nurses working only, how can work like this!!! this is call "torture" but not responsibility of nurses!!! I'm sooooooooo tired!!! This week is the last week posting there, I wish I won't return to that ward again!!!!!!! please~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Muahahaahha~ 8days MC!!!! 都说你活该咯!!!!
我八天不在是不是搞到哪里七七八八的??!! 哈哈~

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

such a "cow"

I hate posting in that ward!!!! never get a chance to sit down!!! my legs very pain!!! I need to stand for 8-9 hours every day!!! Now I'm sick & u still ask me do that do this, run there, run here!! If I go take mc, u die because not enough ppl will help u!! The patient also same, keep pressing the call bell!! Do u think I dun have better work to do that just keep helping u adjust ur body & ur bed ar!!!!! Stupid IDIOT patient, u better go back home fast fast la!!!! Don't want see ur face ady!!! I feel very very tired because of u alone!!! PLEASE STOP PRESSING THE CALL BELL!!!!!  All my work can not do finish because I need to assist u!!!! U think U alone in the ward that all nurses need to attend only ar!!!!! HISHHHH~

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nurse's Prayer

Give me strength & wisdom,
when other need my touch,
A soothing word to speak to them,
Their heart yearn for so much,
Give me joy & laughter,
To lift a weary soul,
Pour in me compassion,
To make the broken whole,
Give me gentle healing hands,
For those left in my care,
A blessing to those need me,
This is a nurse's prayer.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

一日游(sunway pyramid)

Feel so happy & enjoy because can meet my best friend & my boy friend!
we start our day with breakfast at the JUSCO's food court there, Chloe & I share 1 plate of BBQ chicken rice.
After that we went to ice-skating. HEHE~ we play until our legs feel very pain & cramp. I think for the 1st time ice-skating person is normal to fall down, "like them"...><  they said very pain when fall down, hmm... I never experience it, so I don't know. ^^
Fai until now don't know how to ice skating but at least he can stable himself on the ice without easily get to "fall down". hehe~
Chloe more thinner than Fai, so she don't has the problem to stable herself on the ice. She scream very loud when she fall down for the 1st time. ><
Siang keep "holding" Chloe's hand so that she won't fall down but then got 1 time when Chloe fall down, he also fall down together2. hahaha~ so ke lian...
oh, how about me??? secret~ hahaha~


best friend forever ^^
After that, we went to Red-Box sing karaok.. my dear Chloe very love to sing bolywood songs, i also don't know she know how to sing that songs, hahahahahah~ by the ways Chloe is the best singer among us. Siang, u also not bad hor... i thought u don't know how to sing >< first time hear u sing song.

Then we went to play game>>>>SDO<<<<< hmmm~ I always loose when play game T__T 
Chloe & Siang is the best dancers ><  I get easily frustrated when I lost in a game, that's why I don't like play game..

Finally, we went to watch  BORING movie... haizzz.... see, Chloe watch the movie until sleeping & Siang keep wake Chloe up. hahaha~ I think we should not watch that movie lar.. (regretful)
we should watch a romantic movie, right?? @_@

After that, is time for Chloe to go back. If Chloe can stay more longer with us that time, may be she can go eat dinner with us together. we went to the RAMEN restaurant for the dinner. 

It was "enjoy & happy" day for me... ^^ how about u guys???