Saturday, April 16, 2011

I know I easily get bully by others that's y I dun like to create problem or even talk to people that no brain.
If I say something sure they will fight back with me & give nonsense reason
I lazy to argue with such people because I dun wan to waste my saliva & energy...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

unlucky day

Today tutor no mood because early in the morning we already make her "angry" with us.. I just wanted go inform her that we couldn't found the key so we can not enter the demo room but not tell her to stress up because we don't find the key... =.=" this is not our mistake also, we really duno where to get the key & nobody inform us that the key already change & who keep it!!!! please dun scold us like shit!!! We got the brain to think also, we know what we suppose to do... not every thing what u say we MUST follow, right???!!! this one wrong, that one wrong, this one can not, that one can not, then HOW??? when we give u suggestion then u r not agree with us, so what???!!! what do u want from us???!!  become a perfect nurse like a ROBOT follow every thing what u say... ???

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Food Fun Fair

hello hello every one that read my blog... yesterday we having food fun fair & open day in our college.
Hmm~ very tired & worthy lo... heehee...  Got variety of foods that we soled yesterday such as luk-luk, chee cheong fan, shushi, tomyam, ABC, cincao drink, fried ice-cream, dorayaki, kuih-muih & etc etc... My group soled the tosei. Actually I don't know how to make tosei but my indian friends teach me how to bake the tosei, it's very easy to bake only but the ingredient I don't know how to make la. ^^ I think most of the time we force people to buy our tosei (act pity face like that), so many people think twice than just they will buy. About 12++ we manage to sell all the tosei already because we prepared the flour not so much... so we earn not so much but more than our bajet. OK la~ ^^

After that, I go help my friends to sell the "chee cheong fan". we shout very loud so that will get attraction from customers. ^^ but... haizz... i hate to say this but i really don't how to xpress my feeling! I don't know whether I should thank her or jealous her or angry with her???!!! I am the one shout & attack the customers to come buy the chee cheong fan but other person get the "praise"!!!
"eh, XXX u VERY GOOD promoting the chee cheong fan ar, so many people come & buy now"
"go promote some more"
"see got more people come, go go ask them to come buy"
"XXX, u very good ar"      =.="
ok la, u say she good, I'm not good, better I go play & spend my coupons! blek!!!
No mood to help my friends to sell already(sorry friends)...
OKOK, she very GOOD, no need to announce so loud, every one can hear already! for ur information she there because u are there, when u walk off, she already MIA....... just to show u that she "hardworking" perhaps.... when I come back almost 4p.m already & when is her??? the chee cheong fan still got a lot, why don't ask her to promote until finish??? she very good ma & we don't know how to attract customers ma... speechless...

MMmmm~ yum yum~ I bought a lot of foods today but some foods I just eat half then gave to my friends half because some not nice. the most enjoy part today is when I go to the ghost house with my friends, I don't know why I feel so scare until I cry (I know who is the ghost but I still "takut"). hahah~ very funny... 3 of us enter the ghost house but only one of my friends din't feel scare so we hold her hands & close our eyes, then my friend help to find the way out. =.="   

(sorry>>> no photo uploaded because line very slow, i will upload next time ok)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Father said don’t worry about too many things.
But I’m on a mission and I can’t sleep.

If there’s supposed to be a method to insults,
Let me add some melody & you’ll think it’s the shit.

My shots(words) wont have ammunition
So don’t worry there won’t be any casualties.

The confidence is the pigment I paint with
A lot of things I do, you mayn’t understand the reason behind them.

Overlooking the world again, will make me feel a little better.
Being a human is very tiring.
Even though I’m somewhat exhausted, I’ll keep on going.

As a daughter, I must take care of my father
As a student, I must study hard & achieve successful in my life.

If you cry when you accept your award, then people think you are exaggerating.
But if you don’t show any emotion, you’re seen as arrogant.
If you were born with that expression, then they start blaming your mother.
In the end, someone else wins the prize.
And you still must give full applause with a smile.

Your life can’t be too show off, your things mustn't too expensive
& don't be too humble or "pura-pura",
I can only say being human being is really difficult.

Monday, April 4, 2011

“投我以桃,报之以李” 这种东西也不懂吗?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I hate my own group girls, I really can not tahan with their attitude, I duno why I like this but I'm sure I din't hurt the person that I hate but please dun make me more hate u!! Please use ur brain to think before u talk & please use a proper word when u wan to talk to people!! dun u think when u talk like that is no "manners"? ur body is big but ur brain is small, that's y u can't think about others! OMG!!!  I really hope that u will b defer from our group because I really hate to see ur face either ur voice! we won't feel sad/ unhappy when u are not one of our group girls! I HATE U I HATE U I HATE U!!
if u notice that I never talk to any body in this group, means that I HATE the person & I will never talk to them even though they ask me question because I really hate them!!!

the other things that I dun like about this group is no co-operation at all!! I know I like to do everything by my own self, I dun like to depend on others because I know u all won't do the work properly, so I prefer do every things alone rather than do double work..... For example assignment, when I ask u all to help me find the information, u all will delay or never do at all, more worst when u all just copy from the wiki(internet) & paste it for me!! U think I tak ada laptop to search internet ka???!! ok la, now no more copy in internet but exactly copy from the book then give me....haiyo... when I ask, u all will say duno, the book write like that!! I so trust u all can do the work properly but u all play play with me.... this call group work ke??? better do individual assignment than group assignment larrr.......

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

压力啊压力, 请你离我远远好吗!!! 我真的很累啊~ 很累!!
那些今天医生教的课我都懂了,所以刚他讲的课我都没专心~ 很无聊啊!
而且我们的级任整天都唠唠叨叨的!! 很吵啊!!
她还当我们像幼稚园同学那样, 真的很烦啦老师!!