Saturday, February 26, 2011

I can accept every things that happening~ I won't easily give up! I will try my best, no... I sure can do my best!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


yesterday I did a mistake that I feel like myself very useless & careless!!
that mistake I will be remember forever & I try to avoid that thing from happening again!!
I desert to get the scolding from sister & CI because I am not a careful std nurse!
I go to the ward I just thinking of doing procedure, I never think about patient's life or
to help them, I just want go there do the procedure & finish my work faster....
I am just a std nurse that doing thing without any knowledge!!!!!
SO, from now on, I should learn from my mistake & learn!
Thankyou CI because give me 1 more chance, I will make sure that it will not happen
again. I willing to learn from you & get help from u when I am in dumb!!
what I should change>>> speak out & dun just keep quiet.....

I feel happy when I went out watch movie (BOULEQUE) with my friends...
but when I come back here(once step in this college, I feel very stress back!!
I think that can I just walk off from this college & never come back here again but....
this is impossible because I don't dare to do that!!! my future is stuck at here!
I just need to accept all this~ GOD BLESS ME

Monday, February 21, 2011


today is my first day posting in M ward.... so what happening today? after passing report, my busy life started~
I need to run up n down, run there run  here, answer patient's call bell, help staff do thing.. & I become blur!
blur until make mistake!! OMG~ I'm so tired!!!
I take sth from the box that I suppose not touch the thg inside the box!!! ARRRRrrr~ now the sister haven't know, If sister found out this, I sure will DIE!!! so next time, if senior ask me help her take anything, I beter refuse or don't help them! If not this what will happen!
Next, I delay do ryle's tube feeding for the patient because I m too busy!!! so I kena denda come back late...
Then staff ask me go "angiogram room" to pass patient's file for the staff there, I could find the room!!!
today is really my miserable DAY!!! Another 5 weeks for me to suffer at there!!!! Help me!!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


even though the decoration not so nice but it very delicious~ ^^

Friday, February 18, 2011

Exam days

These few days can not sleep well~ insomnia every night!
about 3-4a.m just can sleep. got 1 day din't sleep at all!
when wakeup feel very tired but luckily manage to answer the questions!
Haizz~ sad thing is 1st day exam forget to cut fingers nail, then tutor "halau"
me go out to cut my fingers nail T___T
Luckily I sempat back to the exam haall before they start answering!
I think i already do my best this time exam! I din't online, din't waste mt time
doing something else besides revision.
so I wish that I can get high mark! ~PRAY~

Monday, February 14, 2011

lonely valentine day

I see everybody going out with their BF today, I feel very jealous but what I can do, my BF very far far away from me... T__T can not celebrate valentine day with me... so now we need to postpone our valentine day til this 23rd Feb because he's coming to KL! muahahaha~ so xcited to see him... ^^

I dream about you evey night
I shiver when your in sight
I long to hold you close n tight
I wanna be there with all my might
I m just hoping I'm the girl whos right
I <3 U

Monday, February 7, 2011

last week

1st day reach KB
Today when I reach kb & waiting my bf come to fetch me, there a “pak cik” ask me this question, “adik you orang cina ke orang melayu?”. I tell him that I’m Chinese, I feel very weird why he ask me so. Then he say again. “Oh, ingat tadi orang melayu, kalu orang melayu pak cik nak tunjuk <<<<ni>>>>>”, he show the mirror to me! I feel very scared, he is “orang gila” or what…. So I just push his hand! Then he say that “sekarang kalu orang melayu tak pakai tudung pak cik nak cerminkan, nak bagi tegok muka tu cantik ke tak, sebab tunjuk aurat kepada orang ramai”… in my heart say “ pak cik ni sah orang gila, sebab aku dah cakap tadi aku bukan orang melayu”! then he tell me about ‘nabi’, about orang islam… Actually I want to tell him that “pak cik, saya bukan orang islam, tak payah cakap semua tu kat saya, saya tak berminat”, but I say “ pak cik tak percaya ke saya ni cina, nak tengok Ic saya ke?”. Suddenly got other guy look like “orang gila” that come & tell him to park his car other place. That orang gila tell me don’t go with that pak cik, don’t enter that pak cik car, that pak cik may do something bad to me! That orang gila keep repeating tell me the same thing. I feel very very scare that time luckily got a lot of people that waiting for bus there. So I just hope that my boyfriend will come fast fast~ haizz~  so this is “kb, Kelantan”  if you all want to know… better next time bring ic when go out, if not people will tangkap you if you are suspected Islam & din’t wear tudung for the girl…

Reunion dinner  (团圆饭)
On the 30th night in Chinese calendar, all of our family members gather to eat “tuan yuan fan” together. ^^ unfortunately our family members have too much people so 1 table not enough to sit together~ so we got 2 round for the dinner. Hehe~ moreover we eat the rice by using our hand. Like malay tradition. ==”
Hmm… the dinner is simple foods that was prepared by my two sisters, the foods  such as “big fish, pork, ulam with budu, vege & fish soup” , very delicious… I love all the foods! Waa… I feel so happy this year because can eat with my family together2! Last year very unlucky because I back on the 1st day CNY, about 4.30p.m like that just reach home! Haizzzz~

1st  CNY day
Hmm~ what happen today? Sigh~ I don’t know why my dad keep scolding me today??!! I feel so angry so I decided do not say or talk anything, just watch movie whole day! Like this also kena marah! I already stay at home and din’t go out but like this also he still unsatisfied with me.. I don’ know what else can I do… !!! Then early in the morning kena force by my brother to eat the thing that I hate very much already! That thing we call as “nian gao” or we call it “kuih bakul”, it a Chinese tradition food, my sis cook it like a soup like that, the ingredient is the nian gao, pork, vege & prawn. I need to finish 1 bowl of it~ Arr~ I really force myself to eat thing that I hate so much! I feel like vomiting but I don’t vomit out because I don’t want let my sis disappointed! Haizzzz~ T_______T
But today I just stay at home also got a lot of “ang pao”, because got few our relatives from Machang come to our house to “pai nian”, they all very rich, so I got big ang pao from them! Hahahah~
I think I can use my ang pao money to buy new handphone. >< hope so la

2nd CNY day
Hahahahahaha~ today wake up late…. =p
Last night don’t know what’s wrong with me, stomachache! Very painful ar, can not sleep well. So today wake up very late. I think I eat too much yesterday that’s why feel very stomach discomfort! ><
Today I went to my relative’s house with family. Now I just know that my relatives & my relative also know me… hehe~ I never go to my relative’s house so they don’t know me. I feel so “pai se” but feel very happy when get a lot of ang pao. Actually I don’t want to go to my relative’s house today but had been force by two person, if I din’t go sure these people will scold me again, so better just go than scolded by them! Haizzz~ I think I eat non-stop these two days… eat & eat & eat! Even though feel very full also keep eating because sisters ask to eat.. ==”

3rd CNY day
Today doing nothing at home, just keeping house and watching tv whole day! Feel very boring… tomorrow I will go back to Kl already! Feel very sad because need to leave house again but if next time come back home, I think I won’t back to that house again because I need to move to other house. @__@
Hmm… today I haven’t eat rice yet, I feel so hungry! Finally got food for me for dinner but I just eat a bit of satay only. Now I still feel very hungry T___T but I don’t dare to tell anyone here because I feel shy! Hahahahahahaha~
I don’t know why my father talk about my bf today… haizz~ what’s wrong with “him”! I really don’t know how to respond to my father whn he ask me about “him”.. sigh..
I also don’t know why he suddenly say that he don’t like “him”. May be because he too “fat” hehe~ or I don’t know larrr!
He said he want the son-in-law that has brighter future… haizzz~ what should I do now???!!! I confuse & frustrated!